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Edinburgh's Historic Scotstoun House Set for Luxurious Transformation into Woodland Residences

local news Mar 13, 2024
Scotstoun House

In a remarkable transformation that honours its historic roots while embracing modern living, the venerable Scotstoun House estate, nestled on the fringes of Edinburgh, is poised for a significant redevelopment into luxurious woodland residences.

After a meticulous review over two years, Edinburgh Council has green-lighted the ambitious proposal, heralding a new chapter for the B-listed site in South Queensferry.

Under the visionary scheme, Scotstoun House will undergo a metamorphosis to emerge as a collection of elegant homes meticulously designed to blend with the estate's serene woodland setting.

The project envisions the creation of eight opulent five-bedroom villas, eight sophisticated townhouses, and an ensemble of five four-bedroom houses, each reflecting a deep respect for the locale's architectural integrity and natural beauty.

This development marks a significant departure from the property's recent past as a modernist office structure, nestled in a verdant landscape alongside historical features such as a walled kitchen garden and a quaint coach house. The genesis of Scotstoun Park House, believed to have been constructed between 1843 and 1882, reveals a storied history marred by neglect by the 1960s until its acquisition by Arup & Partners for their Scottish Headquarters signalled a new era of stewardship.

With 21 bespoke residential units planned, the redevelopment is a testament to thoughtful urban renewal, integrating contemporary living spaces with the site's storied past and lush surroundings. The mix of detached villas and townhouses, alongside the adaptive reuse of the office building and stable conversions, promises a unique blend of history, luxury, and environmental harmony.

This ambitious project signifies a renaissance for Scotstoun House and exemplifies Edinburgh's commitment to preserving its architectural heritage while meeting the modern needs of its residents.

A design and access statement on behalf of the applicant, AMA Limited, says: "The vision for the Scotstoun House development is to create ‘homes set in woodland’ around an open green space.

"The proposed site layout draws inspiration from the original Georgian house site, which was split, into a formal landscaped area and a screened service area along a north/south line to the western walled garden boundary. The design proposal is to convert the existing office buildings into eight homes alongside 13 new low energy sustainable villas and townhouses.

As the development progresses, it will stand as a beacon of sustainable development, marrying the past with the present in a celebration of Scottish heritage and contemporary design.

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