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Edwards Bar & Grill Set To Open On Hopetoun Road

business local news Apr 08, 2024
Edwards Bar & Grill - South Queensferry

Hopetoun Road's iconic spot, the former Inchcolm Inn, is poised for a vibrant makeover. Star Pubs and Bars have submitted a planning application with the City of Edinburgh Council, outlining ambitious plans for its transformation into 'Edwards Bar & Grill'.

Since its closure in November last year, the premises has remained dormant. However, with this recent move, the prospect of a bustling new establishment is on the horizon.

The proposed changes include a range of enhancements, from updated signage to modern lighting fixtures. These upgrades aim to blend the venue's rich history with contemporary allure seamlessly.

Notably, plans also include installing upward and downward lights, including floodlights. This strategic lighting scheme promises to cast a welcoming glow, revitalising the space and beckoning patrons back in.

As anticipation mounts for the unveiling of 'Edwards Bar & Grill', Inchcolm Inn's legacy stands on the brink of a dynamic new chapter.

In a social media post last November, Oscar Lubinski said,

"It's with a heavy heart and great sadness that I have to announce that the Inchcolm has closed its doors today. The news comes very unexpectedly to me, just as much as it will for you guys. I wanted to thank everyone for being an amazing community and allowing me to get to know you all. It has been an absolute pleasure for me work and run the Inchcolm.

You guys were the reason I looked forward to working each day I was there. I will miss the pub dearly and most of all I will miss seeing all of your faces there. Even if it was for a short while, I was proud to run the inchcolm and happy to have gotten to know so many people.

Regardless, I wish whoever takes it up next will have success with it, as in my eyes, it is truly an amazing pub.

Thank you everyone, hope to see you around!"

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